Adventist International Church Magdeburg (Gruppe)

Magdeburg 004
Beethovenstr. 8 c
39106 Magdeburg

Nächste Predigten

Divine Service every Saturday (We start at 9.30 AM with the German church together, have an own English Sabbath-School and at 10.45 AM the English divine service.)

Divine Service every Saturday (We start at 9.30 AM with the German church together, have an own English Sabbath-School and at 10.45 AM the English divine service.)


Divine Service

in Berlin KdöR, im Land Brandenburg KdöR, in Sachsen KdöR, in Sachsen-Anhalt KdöR, in Thüringen KdöR

Koblenzer Str. 3
10715 Berlin
Copyright © 2025, Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Berlin KdöR, im Land Brandenburg KdöR, in Sachsen KdöR, in Sachsen-Anhalt KdöR, in Thüringen KdöR